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The local area offers all sorts of activities to interest visitors. From the active sports of canoeing, cycling, golf, fishing, orienteering and many more, to the gentler, more restful activities such as art, painting, photography, following nature or looking up local history, there is always something to see and do in the lower Wye Valley around the Sloop.

Local Walks
The Sloop Inn | Pub in Llandogo | Restaurant in Llandogo | Walking in the lower Wye Valley areound the Pub
Orienteering around The Sloop Inn | Pub in Llandogo | Restaurant in Llandogo | Accommodation in Llandogo
Golf Breaks
Golf Breaks and Golf Courses around The Sloop Inn | Pub in Llandogo | Restaurant in Llandogo | Accommodation in Llandogo
Cycling around The Sloop Inn | Pub in Llandogo | Restaurant in Llandogo | Accommodation in Llandogo
Fishing and Angling around The Sloop Inn | Pub in Llandogo | Restaurant in Llandogo | Accommodation in Llandogo
Horse Racing
Horse Racing in Chepstow - Stay at The Sloop Inn | Pub in Llandogo | Restaurant in Llandogo | Accommodation in Llandogo
Art in Llandogo
Opportunities for Artists around The Sloop Inn | Pub in Llandogo | Restaurant in Llandogo | Accommodation in Llandogo
Local History
The Sloop Inn | Pub in Llandogo | Restaurant in Llandogo | Local History and the Background of our Pub
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